Monday, September 6, 2010

UPDATE ON MARINARA 7th September 2010

I have been out in the wilderness for the last few years since Sept 2006 when Danaharta took out an Injunction against me and ousted me and all my tenants and businesses from my building MARINARA ON JALAN TUN RAZAK.

Since then it has been an uphill battle all the way, deprived of all my belongings and personal possessions and documents which had been locked in the building (and later I found out were mostly stolen by the security guards, Falcon Security, who was in charge of the building when I left).

I started from scratch. and rented my sister’s apartment in Kg Warisan. As I had no means of income I decided to put my efforts in my housing project in Sri Manjung to try to generate some income to live on and to meet my financial commitments. As I am a workaholic (that’s what my son Razak says) I found no difficulty in doing hard work. Most of my time has been spent in Sri Manjung, whilst my fight for return of my building and for justice went on through the Courts. The lawyers for Danaharta and the Special Administrators, especially a Ms Yoong Sin Min of Shook Lin & Bok, went all out to get me as if it was her personal vendetta and special mission to destroy me. She went out for me tooth and nail and proceeded with all kinds of legal actions including committing me for contempt of court. With their lies and manipulation they won the day with the Courts especially as the Danaharta Act only favored Danaharta and deprived all those opposing, of any legal right to redress. There is no justice in the Danaharta Act. Danaharta has never lost a case despite all the wrongdoings and abuse of power.

I had almost given up hope when finally Datuk Haji Husni Hanadzlah, the Finance Minister II, took over from Nor Mohamed Yakcop, at the Finance Ministry. He carefully studied my case and brought it up to Finance Minister I, Datuk Seri Najib who agreed that I should be helped. After long and protracted discussions and negotiations, it was decided that I should be given back my building at a fair price. To get Danaharta to issue a letter to reflect the decision was one long hassle and one hurdle after another. All unnecessary restrictions were imposed on me including “not to say anything about the refurbishments but to accept it as part of the settlement process”. I was not allowed to visit the site or to bring visitors except under very strict conditions. By the time Danaharta’s lawyers, Shook Lin & Bok, had drawn up the settlement agreement which they insisted must be called a Sale & Purchase Agreement (as if I have never been the owner of the building) was drawn up and I was to refer to Danaharta Hartanah as the legal owners at all times, time had run out.

I have also been undergoing great stress with my daughter Ida Nerina ‘s spinal injury which has put her in a wheelchair. She is undergoing intensive therapy and works hard at her physio and hydra therapy. She is improving and God willing, with her strong will and determination, she will walk again

Unfortunately, last week as I was driving home along Jalan Ampang, I was robbed of my handbag when four young men, who looked like Malays in their twenties and thirties wearing red leather jackets, on two motorbikes smashed my left car window and grabbed my handbag which I had carelessly put on the left car seat. Both my hand phones were in the handbag including my personal identification and credit cards. So my friends if I don’t contact you its because I do not have your phone numbers. I wish the Authorities will seriously implement their earlier proposal to install CCTV cameras at all strategic locations especially at traffic jam areas and “popular handbag snatching locations.” Personal safety is a very serious problem and should be addressed immediately. How nice if we can walk the streets of Kuala Lumpur without fear of having our handbag snatched or the small kids kidnapped!

Thank God, now, with the blessings of the Finance Minister I , and the Finance Minister II, I am given an extension of time to get a buyer for the building. Given the constraint of time , I am trying o get a Bank Loan to pay off Danaharta. whilst trying to sell the building or part of it. It is not easy when your name is Marina Yusoff and the other party is Danaharta. God willing I will try to make it and try to sell the building and get on with my life . All are in God’s hands. Man proposes God disposes.



Marina Yusoff